Thursday, October 18, 2007

Birmingham comic con!!!

After much badgering from people who were unable to make it to the Birmingham International Comics Show (on account of being in America or Australia , or some other feeble excuses), the decision has been taken to offer the last few copies of the Preview Issue for sale on this site.

The Preview will cost you £2, plus whatever postage is to your abode (don’t worry, we won’t pull an e-bay postage trick on you).

Clickety on the nice, shiny button on the right to make the magic happen!:)


Iain Lowson said...

Explanation of the Russian dolls - I used to collect sketches on paper, but ran out of wall space and money to have them framed. Saw the blanks on a charity site (Yellow Moon), so started collecting art on those more than three years ago. That's it, really. They get a great reaction from artists, usually, and they look fab all together.

An explanation for the Chinese costume exists somewhere beyond the walls of sanity...

N1N0 said...

hey Alma ! nice work! congratulations ! :D

Alma Ryan said...

awesome thanks so much for havin a look round!:)